Seminar Presentation - topic and paper list
Presentation: no presentation this week. If time allows we will watch a short documentary on international trade
Presentation: Astrid Genard - Amiti, M. and R. Davis (2012)
Presentation: Louise og Mina
Presentation: no presentation
Presentation: Sartori, de Luca, Campa, Dell’Agnola
Presentation: Farhat Fasih
Presentation: no presentation
Seminar Presentation - topic and paper list
- September 12 (Ricardian model), S101
Presentation: no presentation this week. If time allows we will watch a short documentary on international trade
- September 26 (HO), S101
Presentation: Astrid Genard - Amiti, M. and R. Davis (2012)
- October 10 (New trade theories), S101
Presentation: Louise og Mina
- October 17 (Melitz model), S101
Presentation: no presentation
- October 24 (Melitz model extensions), S101
Presentation: Sartori, de Luca, Campa, Dell’Agnola
- November 7 (Gravity), S101
Presentation: Farhat Fasih
- November 14 (Trade Policy), S101
Presentation: no presentation